Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Enter the Donkey II

Some people think that poker is a way of life; I refuse to buy into that plan.

I will agree that there are some life lessons in poker, like never gamble your life savings or that you are invincible. But sometime you need to go with your inner donkey!

I will be the first to admit that this hand is about as donkey as it gets, but I had one of those feelings.

The blinds are $200 -$400. I am fifth from the dealer and I look down at 9s 7s. The first player to act calls the $400 and now it's time for me to make up my mind. I have too many players in front of me to even make this call, and yet I do. Next player calls and then a fold. The dealer decides to make a pot size raise. Small blind folds and so does the big blind. It's now time for me to call, raise or fold.

I decide to listen to my inner donkey, and by calling, I will be able to see the flop. (The true play should be a fold.)

Every other player at the table does what I truly should have done and folds their cards. It's now time to see the flop. The flop comes out as Kh, 9h, Qh.

I am first to act after the flop and I lead out a bet of $800. I get hit with a re-raise to $1,600.

I really should be folding and saving face. I could fold and tell them nice hand, and if they ask, say I had a pair of Jack's or a very small pair and I was hoping to hit the flop. There would be no shame with that!?

I decide to make the call. (What a bum move on my part.) Here comes the turn. It's a 7h. Wow, I now have two pair! But I am beat! I do not have a heart in my hand, and it will only take one to beat me for a flush.

I check and wait for my fate. Just like I thought here comes a bet. The dealer leads out a bet of $2,000. I know I am beat, and I am sure it's by a flush. But I look at my hand one more time and I am compelled to make the call.

My brain is telling me to give up the ghost; I should lick my wounds and live to fight another day. I will only have $2,500 left if I make this call and blinds are about to go up.

It's time to make up my mind, and I decide not to listen to the right play and make the call. Here comes to river the card that will make me or break me!

The river comes a 7c and my heart skips a beat, but I remain claim. The real question now is how can I get more money out of this player? If I check, then I risk the player to check with me and I get no more chips.

I run every conceivable play in my head and I fall back to the check. If the other player checks then I will be happy with the pot. That is not what happens! I hear the best question in the world to me at this point in the hand. HOW MUCH YOU GOT LEFT?

I reply with my chip count and the next thing I hear is, I will put you all in!

I make the call in a split sec and flip over my boat, and I hear the immortal words from the table, "You are donkey!?"

My opponent shows me the nut flush.

In closing, I played this hand completely wrong and I got lucky! This time my donkey needs no dojo, it just needs more victims


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